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Documenting workplace disability discrimination

On Behalf of | Feb 14, 2024 | Employment Law

Recognizing workplace disability discrimination helps foster an inclusive and fair work environment. Documentation helps substantiate claims of discrimination. It also helps those who experience it seek appropriate recourse.

Understanding how to document disability discrimination helps employees assert their rights. It also holds employers accountable for discriminatory practices.

Recognize discriminatory behaviors

The first step in documenting workplace disability discrimination is recognizing discriminatory behaviors. These may include refusing to provide reasonable accommodations or making derogatory remarks. Denying promotions or job opportunities based on disability may also constitute discrimination. Subjecting employees to harassment may also count. So, too, can retaliating against employees for speaking out about discrimination.

Keep detailed records

Maintaining detailed records helps build a strong case. Record pertinent information, such as dates, times and locations. Be sure, too, to include details of the discriminatory behavior or action. Document any attempts to address the discrimination within the organization.

Gather supporting evidence

Gather any supporting evidence that supports claims made. This may include emails, memos and performance evaluations. It might also include witness statements or other materials. Photographic evidence or audio recordings may also be helpful if permissible and appropriate.

Follow internal procedures

Many employers have internal procedures for addressing discrimination. Follow these procedures and document each step in the process. Keep copies of any correspondence and responses from human resources or management. Be sure to also save notes from meetings or discussions, too. This shows that you made a good-faith effort to resolve the issue before seeking external remedies.

Documenting disability discrimination helps enhance equality in the workplace. Employers must take prompt action to address such behavior. It is also important to take steps to address it.